1. 1. SCR Outlet Temperature Sensor
2. 2. Outlet NOx Sensor
3. 3. ACM
4. 4. DEF Dosing Unit
5. 5. DPF Outlet Temperature Sensor
6. 6. Soot Sensor ECU
Figure 13. ATS Rear View
Service Record
It is mandatory that proper service records are maintained of the DPF servicing and
cleaning. This record is an agent to warranty considerations. The record must
include information such as:
• Date of cleaning or replacement
• Vehicle mileage at the time of cleaning or replacement
• DPF part number and serial number(s)
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Information
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Information
The ATS requires DEF to maintain exhaust emissions at levels compliant with
emissions standards. The following sections provide information regarding DEF
anti-tampering features and DEF tanks. For additional information on DEF
availability, specifications, handling and storage Refer to section "Diesel Exhaust
Fluid Availability".
Engine Systems
All information subject to change without notice.