Whenever the Check Engine or Stop Engine Indicator comes on, the DDEC
system will identify the fault and store this information in its memory. If the
malfunction is intermittent, the warning indicator will come on and go off as the
system senses the changing engine condition.
Stop Engine Override
The engine shutdown feature is designed to prevent engine damage from occurring
and extending the engine run time during an engine shutdown can cause engine
damage. The Stop Engine Override feature allows the operator to override the
automatic stop engine sequence. Only use the Stop Engine Override during
emergency situations where moving the vehicle to a safe location is critical. It
should not be used for extended periods of time. DDEC®, will record the number
of times the override is activated after an engine fault occurs.
A Stop Engine Override is used to override the engine shutdown sequence. This
override resets the 60 second (30 second for oil pressure) shutdown timer, restoring
power to the level when the Stop Engine Indicator was illuminated. The Stop
Engine Override switch must be recycled after five seconds to obtain a subsequent
override. Continuously activating the Stop Engine Override will not prevent the
engine shutdown sequence.
It takes 30 seconds from the time the automatic shutdown sequence begins until
engine shutdown. Therefore, the operator must select the override just prior to
engine shutdown and continue to do so until the vehicle can be brought to a stop in
a safe location. Once the vehicle is in a safe location do not continue to run the
engine. The operator has the responsibility to take action to avoid equipment
Engine Power Reduction and Shutdown
During engine power reduction an engine power ramp down will reduce engine
power to a predetermined value, but will not shut down the engine. With the
shutdown option, the engine will begin a stepped power down sequence until it
shuts down completely.
The engine should not be restarted after it has been shut down by the engine
protection system, unless the problem has been located and corrected. It is the
operator's responsibility to shut down the engine to avoid serious damage.
Detroit Diesel Electronic Control System Features
Detroit Diesel Electronic Control System Features
The electronic control system called Detroit Diesel Electronic Control® (DDEC®)
offers a variety of features and options designed to alert the operator of any engine,
aftertreatment, and transmission (if equipped with DT12) malfunctions. Options
Gen 5 DD Platform Operators Manual
All information subject to change without notice.