For optimal fuel economy, use DFS 93K223 approved API FA-4 engine oil.
Synthetic Oils and Additives
Synthetic Oils
Synthetic oils may be used in Detroit™ Gen 5 Heavy Duty engines provided they
are approved by DFS. The use of synthetic oils does not necessarily ensure the
extension of the recommended oil drain intervals beyond the limits.
Supplemental Additives
Lubricants meeting the Detroit™ specifications outlined in this publication already
contain a balanced additive treatment. Supplemental additives are generally not
necessary and can even be harmful. These additives may be marketed as either oil
treatments or engine treatments, and are discouraged from use in Detroit™ Gen 5
Heavy Duty engines. Repair expenses which result in component malfunctions, or
damage attributed to the use of oil additives, are not covered by Detroit™ warranty.
How to Clean an Engine
How to Clean an Engine
Observance of all environmental protection regulations is required.
Information on suitable cleaning and protective products is available from any
authorized Detroit™ service outlet.
Gen 5 DD Platform Operators Manual
All information subject to change without notice.