This manual is intended to be used by the operator of Detroit™ Gen 5 Heavy Duty
engines. The manual covers basic information on engine components, engine
operation, Detroit Diesel Electronic Controls (DDEC®) system, engine systems,
aftertreatment system, instrument panel indicators, preventative maintenance, how
to procedures, and engine storage.
Non-Genuine and Rebuilt Component Quality Alert
Electronic engine controls have been instrumental in aiding engine manufacturers
meet federal emission requirements and the ever-increasing performance demands
of the customer.
Maintenance procedures must be followed in order to continue satisfactory
performance and durability and to ensure coverage of the engine under the
manufacturer's warranty. Many of these maintenance procedures also ensure that
the engine continues to comply with applicable emissions standards. Proper
maintenance procedures, using specific components engineered to comply with
emissions regulations, may be performed by an authorized Detroit™ service outlet,
an independent outlet, or the operator or owner. The owner is responsible for
determining the suitability of components to maintain emissions compliance during
the engine's useful emission life.
Detroit™ cautions that the indiscriminate rebuilding of precision components,
without the benefit of specifications, specialized equipment, and knowledge of the
electronic operating system, will jeopardize performance or lead to more serious
problems, and can take the engine outside of emission standards compliance.
There are several other components in an engine, including but not limited to the
turbocharger, fuel injectors, camshaft s, pistons, diesel exhaust fluid pump, which
are specifically designed and manufactured to exacting standards for emissions
compliance. It is important that these components, if replaced, modified or
substituted, can be verified thus ensuring that the engine remains in compliance
with emissions standards. The use of inadequately engineered, manufactured or
tested components in the repair or rebuild of the engine may be in violation of
federal regulations.
Furthermore, modern engines exhibit operating parameters which require the use of
proper fluids, such as fuel, coolant and lubricating oil, to maintain long engine life.
The use of fluids that do not meet Detroit™ specifications may result in premature
wear or engine failure.
Gen 5 DD Platform Operators Manual
All information subject to change without notice.