page 11 • DENAGO
B. Riding Safety
1. Obey all Rules of the Road and all local traffic laws.
2. You are sharing the road or the path with others — motorists, pedestrians, and other cyclists.
Respect their rights.
3. Ride defensively. Always assume that others do not see you.
4. Look ahead, and be ready to avoid:
• Vehicles slowing or turning, entering the road or your lane ahead of you, or coming up be-
hind you.
• Parked car doors opening.
• Pedestrians stepping out.
• Children or pets playing near the road.
• Potholes, sewer grating, railroad tracks, expansion joints, road or sidewalk construction,
debris and other obstructions that could cause you to swerve into traffic, catch your wheel or
cause you to have an accident.
• The many other hazards and distractions which can occur on an eBike ride.
5. Ride in designated eBike lanes, on designated eBike paths or as close to the edge of the road
as practicable, in the direction of traffic flow or as directed by local governing laws.
6. Stop at stop signs and traffic lights; slow down and look both ways at street intersections. Re-
member that an eBike always loses in a collision with a motor vehicle, so be prepared to yield
even if you have the right of way.
7. Use approved hand signals for turning
and stopping. (FIG 3)
8. Never ride with headphones. They mask
traffic sounds and emergency vehicle
sirens, distract you from concentrating on
what’s going on around you, and their wires
can tangle in the moving parts of the eBike,
causing you to lose control.
9. Never carry a passenger; and, before
installing a child carrier or trailer, check with your dealer or the eBike manufacturer to make
sure the eBike is designed for it. If the eBike is suitable for a child carrier or trailer, make sure
that the carrier or trailer is correctly mounted, and the child is secured and wearing an
approved helmet.
10. Never carry anything which obstructs your vision or your complete control of the eBike,
or which could become entangled in the moving parts of the eBike.
11. Never hitch a ride by holding on to another vehicle.
12. Don’t do stunts, wheelies or jumps. If you intend to do stunts, wheelies, jumps or go racing
with your eBike despite our advice not to read Section 2.F, Downhill, Stunt or Competition
Biking, now. Think carefully about your skills before deciding to take the large risks that go
with this kind of riding.
13. Don’t weave through traffic or make any moves that may surprise people with whom you are
sharing the road.
14. Observe and yield the right of way.
15. Never ride your eBike while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
16. If possible, avoid riding in bad weather, when visibility is obscured, at dawn, dusk or in the
dark, or when extremely tired. Each of these conditions increases the risk of accident.
Fig. 3