D e l t a I n d u s t r i a l W i r e l e s s D V W - W 0 1 I 2 - E 1 S e r i e s U s e r M a n u a l
3 - 1 8
Default value
Flow Control
Set types of flow control. Optional values include “XON/XOFF”,
TCP mode
TCP keepalive time
Configure idle time of TCP to auto-close TCP connection. Optional
values from 0 to 99 minutes.
0: TCP connection will not be closed due to idle (always open)
1~99: When idle time reaches setting value, TCP connection is
Destination IP and port
Set connected serial server IP range and port, the IPand port
cannot have the same configuration. Max. 4 serial servers for
simultaneous connection.
Max. payload length
Set the waiting length of cumulative data for data packet
transmission, the range is 0 to 1024 byte; set 0 for immediate data
Minimal packet interval
Set the waiting time to forcing data packet transmission, the range
is 0 to 65535 ms; set 0 to permanently avoid forcing of
transmission; For data transmission, set range is between 1 to
65535 when the time reaches setting value or cumulative data
length reaches the setting length.
UDP mode
Destination IP and port
Set the connected serial server IP and ports. Maximum of 4 serial
servers for simultaneous connection in UDP. Each server IP range
supports up to 99 IP address, meaning the max. number of IP
between starting and ending IP is 99. The IP and ports cannot have
the same configuration.
Source port
Set monitoring source port.
Max. payload length
Set the waiting length of cumulative data for data packet
transmission, the range is 0 to 1024 byte; set 0 for immediate data
Minimal packet interval
Set the waiting time to forcing data packet transmission, the range
is 0 to 65535 ms; set 0 to permanently avoid forcing of
transmission; For data transmission, set range is between 1 to
65535 when the time reaches setting value or cumulative data
length reaches the setting length.
3.3.3 Transparent server
In this mode, the DVW device serves as TCP servers that receives data packet from assigned ports and
transmits to RS-485 or RS-232 serial ports without any processing. RS-485 transparent server