D e l t a I n d u s t r i a l W i r e l e s s D V W - W 0 1 I 2 - E 1 S e r i e s U s e r M a n u a l
3 - 2 8
Default value
Enabled: When EXTAP is enabled, client compatibility increases
along with more compatible AP.
Disabled: When EXTAP is disabled, recommend using the AP of
DVW-W01I2-E1 for enhanced connection.
Client mode
Disabled: Operation under normal WiFi client mode.
Roaming: client support fast roaming protocol of personal level.
In client mode, RF type and channel in gray background cannot be configured;
while in AP mode, simultaneous configuration for RF type, channel and security
mode begins once matching is successful.
Start roaming mode, the DVW devices support fast roaming protocol of personal level and can fulfill the need
for fast switching APs in maintaining the operation under wireless application environment.
Default value
Client Mode
To enable or not enable fast roaming function.
Scan channel
To set fast roaming, DVW scans the assigned AP channels; when there are
more channels that need to be determined, roaming speed is also more
easily affected.
Below are options in the first drop-down list:
-- Auto: Scan all the channels and select an option without selecting the
second and third drop-down lists.
--The present AP channels in connection with DVW.
Below are options in the second and third drop-down list:
-- Not scanning: Scanning channels only from the previous drop-down list.
-- Channel value: Select desired channels for scanning.
Present AP
Scan time
When DVW scans for available APs, set the scan time for each