D e l t a I n d u s t r i a l W i r e l e s s D V W - W 0 1 I 2 - E 1 S e r i e s U s e r M a n u a l
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3.2.2 Network configuration
Network configuration allows users to setup IP, IP address, IP subnet mask, gateway IP and primary DNS.
There are several IP modes available for network configuration. Users can select modes from DHCP-Client,
Static and DHCP-Server.
Configure the network as DHCP-Client in DVW-W01I2-E1 series:
When DHCP server is added for installment, DVW-W01I2-E1 will use the IP address assigned by DHCP
When DHCP server is not added for installment, DVW-W01I2-E1 will auto-configure the IP address to and the IP subnet mask to
Users can define the device regarding IP, IP address, IP subnet mask, gateway IP and primary DNS.
When DHCP-Server is installed in DVW-W01I2-E1, DHCP-Server and BOOTP-Server are both enabled
and exist in this mode. The IP address is auto-configured to and the IP subnet mask to When end user devices and clients request for IP address, DVW-W01I2-E1 will assign a
set of dynamic IP address.
The gateway IP address provided by DHCP server address pool is from to,
users are allowed to configure the starting and ending of the IP address pool.
Default value
Allows different mode configuration, options include DHCP-Client,
Static and DHCP-Server
DHCP-Client: DVW-W01I2-E1 will use the IP setting from the
Static: Manually setup the IP address
DHCP-Server: DHCP-Server and BOOTP-Server are both enabled
and exist in this mode, the DVW-W01I2-E1 will assign a set of
dynamic IP address to the end-user device.
IP address