C h a p t e r 3 F u n c t i o n G u i d e
3 - 2 9
Default value
channel.Setting range: 10~200ms.
Scan period
Set the AP interval period for DVW scan. Setting range: 1000~300000ms
Scan threshold
Set the AP threshold once DVW is triggered for scanning, but only when the
AP’s transmission power connected to the present DVW is lower than the
threshold value, the DVW will scan the available AP based on the scan
period. Setting range: -95~0 dBm.
Roaming signal difference
Set DVW roaming signal difference which is a condition to execute DVW
switching action. When the signal difference between present AP’s
transmission power in connection with DVW and the new AP is larger than
the setting value, the DVW will switch to the new AP. Setting range: 5~20
Roaming threshold
Set DVW roaming threshold which is a condition for DVW to execute switch
action.when the present AP’s transmission power in connection with DVW
is lower than the setting value, the DVW can switch to new AP.
Setting range: -95~0 dBm.
Roaming detect period
Set DVW to detect whether the interval period of the two roaming
conditions are satisfied; When both conditions are satisfied, the DVW can
execute switching. Setting range: 50~300000ms.
50 Security mode
The device provides 5 standard security modes including none, WEP, WPA-PSK[TKIP], WPA2-PSK[AES]
and WPA-PSK[TKIP] + WPA2-PSK[AES]. Users can set the security mode base on your own needs.
Security mode: None
No security mode. When selecting this option, any client can connect to DVW-W02W2-E2 device without
security mode.
Security mode: WPA/WPA2 Personal
The WIFI alliance developed Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) and Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) to protect
two securtiy protocols and security identifications in wireless network. The WPA/WPA2-Personal or so-called
WPA / WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key) has two encryption methods including TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity
Protocol) and AES (Advance Encryption System). TKIP can automatically create a new network password
every few minutes which can prevent attackers from continuously collecting sufficient data in accessing your
network. AES represents Advance Encryption System that encrypts 128-bit, 192-bit or 256-bit block and is
considered the safest option for WIFI encryption.
Default value
Security options
WPA2-PSK[AES]: Enable AES encryption method.
and WPA2-PSK. Broadcast packets uses TKIP. For
point-to-point transmission, WPA-PSK client uses TKIP and
WPA2-PSK client uses AES.