Hard drive status indicator code
Flashes green, amber, and then turns off
Predicted drive failure.
Flashes amber four times per second
Drive failed.
Flashes green slowly
Drive rebuilding.
Solid green
Drive online.
Flashes green for three seconds, amber for three seconds, and
then turns off after six seconds
Rebuild stopped.
NIC indicator codes
Each NIC on the back of the system has indicators that provide information about the activity and link status. The activity LED indicator
indicates if data is flowing through the NIC, and the link LED indicator indicates the speed of the connected network.
Figure 6. NIC indicator codes
link LED indicator
activity LED indicator
Table 6. NIC indicator codes
Link and activity indicators are off
The NIC is not connected to the network.
Link indicator is green and activity indicator is blinking green The NIC is connected to a valid network at its maximum port speed and
data is being sent or received.
Link indicator is amber and activity indicator is blinking
The NIC is connected to a valid network at less than its maximum port
speed and data is being sent or received.
Link indicator is green and activity indicator is off
The NIC is connected to a valid network at its maximum port speed and
data is not being sent or received.
Link indicator is amber and activity indicator is off
The NIC is connected to a valid network at less than its maximum port
speed and data is not being sent or received.
Link indicator is blinking green and activity is off
NIC identify is enabled through the NIC configuration utility.
Power supply unit indicator codes
AC power supply units (PSUs) have an illuminated translucent handle that serves as an indicator. The indicator shows whether power is
present or a power fault has occurred.
Removing and installing components