finding IP address of printer 69
IP addresses 69
no wireless network 56
nothing happens when memory
card is inserted 87
page does not print 78
Pages per Sheet copies 45
conserving 6
paper and media
banner paper 22
envelopes 22
heavyweight matte paper 22
index cards 23
iron-on transfers 23
photo cards 23
photo/glossy paper 23
plain paper 21
postcards 23
transparencies 23
paper default settings
saving 23
paper exit tray
location 9
paper feed guard
location 9
paper guides
location 9
paper jam in the duplex unit 81
paper jam in the paper support 81
paper jam in the printer 80
paper or specialty media
misfeeds 82
paper support
location 9
partial document or photo
scans 85
power supply port 10
password 62
print job 39
creating from scan 50
photo cards 23
photo/glossy paper 23
adding frames 31
adjusting brightness 31
applying color effects 31
copying photos 42
cropping 31
editing using printer control
panel 31
enhancing automatically 31
making borderless copies 43
printing from digital camera using
printing using printer control
panel 30
printing using the proof sheet 33
reducing red-eye effect 31
rotating 31
scanning for editing 48
photos do not print from memory
card across wireless network 88
photos from memory device
printing using printer
software 31
PictBridge and USB port
location 9
PictBridge-enabled camera,
connecting 32
plain paper 21
poor quality at the edges of
page 83
poor scanned image quality 85
postcards 23
Power Saver timeout
changing 14
power supply port
location 10
print job
canceling 40
pausing 39
resuming 40
print media
greeting cards 23
labels 22
print speed is slow 84
print troubleshooting
cannot delete documents from
print queue 79
computer slows down when
printing 84
poor quality at the edges of
page 83
slow print speed 84
streaks or lines on printed
image 83
sharing 60
sharing in Windows 60
printer control panel
buttons 13
location 9
using 13
printer does not print
wireless 93
printer does not print wirelessly 94
printer does not respond 79
printer printing blank pages 79
printer problems, basic
solutions 74
printer software
installing 20
uninstalling 20
printer, setting as default 39
aligning 71
location 10
printhead error 75
printhead nozzles
cleaning 72
collate 25
custom-size paper 28
documents 25
documents from memory card or
flash drive 26
envelopes 27
from a Bluetooth-enabled
device 36
from a PictBridge-enabled
camera 32
labels 28
last page first 26
multiple pages on one sheet 26
network setup page 53
on both sides of the paper 37, 38
photos from digital camera using
photos from memory device using
printer software 31
photos using printer control
panel 30
photos using the proof sheet 33
reverse page order 26
tips 25
two-sided 37, 38
printing in draft mode 39
printing mode
changing 39