1999 Directed Electronics, Inc.
Start System:
For the ultimate in convenience, the Valet
Start System can start your vehicle, monitor engine functions, and
power your climate control system with a push of a button! Over-
rev protection, open-hood lockout, brake-pedal shutoff, and auto-
matic timer shutoff are all included. (Only for automatic-transmis-
sion, fuel-injected gasoline vehicles).
Power Window Control:
Power window control is provided with
the 529T or 530T systems. The 529T system will roll up two win-
dows automatically when the system is armed, or roll two windows
down. The 530T can roll two windows both up and down. The 530T
also provides one touch switch operation.
Power Trunk Release:
This expansion option allows you to oper-
ate a factory power release for the vehicle's trunk or hatch. If the
factory release is not power-activated, DEI's 522T trunk-release
solenoid can often be added.
Starter Kill:
An automatic switch controlled by the secu-
rity system which prevents the vehicle’s starter from cranking
whenever the system is armed. The vehicle is never prevented from
cranking when the system is disarmed, in Valet
mode, or should
the starter kill switch itself fail. Your system is ready for this fea-
ture, however installation of this feature may require additional