1999 Directed Electronics, Inc.
7a. If you selected ONCE in Step 6, the year indicator will begin
flashing. Press
to adjust the year in one-digit incre-
ments (1999-2098) or hold down
to increase scrolling
speed. When you've made your selection, press
8a. The month indicator will begin flashing. Press
adjust the months in one-digit increments (1-12). When
you've made your selection, press
9a. The date indicator will begin flashing. Press
to adjust
the date in one-digit increments (1-31, varying depending on
month) or hold down
to increase scrolling speed. When
you've made your selection, press
10a. Programming of the one-time activation is now complete. The
clock icon and activation number will remain lit to indicate
that the activation is on. A one-time activation that has been
programmed will automatically activate the remote start unit
on the programmed date and time. Once the activation has
occurred, the date for that activation number will be erased.
7b. If you selected WEEK in Step 6, Sunday (SUN) will begin flash-
ing. Press
to advance to the next day of the week or
to select that day and automatically advance to
the next day of the week, Monday (MON). Continue selecting
the desired days. Saturday (SAT) will be the last day of the
week. The indicator display lights for the days of the week will
remain lit throughout programming of the weekly activation.
Weekly Activation
One-Time Activation