Cab Chatter
Sometimes the Cab Chatter sounds
don’t play.
I can’t get the engine to run after I
power up the transformer. It sits still
with the engine sounds running.
The engine won’t lock into forward,
neutral, or reverse.
The sounds seem distorted, especially
when the whistle or bell is activated.
The engine will not leave the initial
neutral setting.
The FYS sounds occasionally repeat
I get no sounds when the engine shifts
between directions.
After I turn off my transformer, my
engine continues to make sounds
before quitting.
Cab Chatter plays only in neutral at
random intervals.
The engine is locked into the neutral
position. Follow the procedure in the
“Lock into a Direction” section.
Engine speed must be below 10 scale
mph (approx. 10 volts or less in
conventional mode).
Proto-Sound 2.0 volume is set too
high. Turn the volume control knob on
the bottom of the chassis counter-
clockwise to reduce the volume.
Check to be sure the battery is
installed and fully charged. See the
“Self-Charging Battery Back-Up”
The battery may be dead or need to
be charged. See the “Self-Charging
Battery Back-Up” section.
Proto-Sound 2.0 is designed to
continue to sound for a few seconds
after power to the track has been shut
Proto-Sound 2.0 has a built-in random
number generator that randomly
selects each sound clip to play.
Because there are a limited number of
sound clips available in each FYS
sequence, it is probable that some of
these sound clips will be repeated
from time to time.
PS-2 Upgrade Kit Installation Guide