Before your upgraded locomotive will play locomotive sounds, the PS-2 circuit
board needs to be programmed with the appropriate PS-2 Conversion File for
your engine type. Programming can only be accomplished with the M.T.H.
DCS Digital Command System and the free DCS Loader Program. Both the
Loader Program and the PS-2 Conversion Files can be found on the Proto-
Sound website (www.protosound2.com). Complete instructions for
downloading the Loader Program and the PS-2 Conversion files are found on
the website.
Once you have the DCS equipment and have downloaded the DCS Loader
Program, you will need to visit the PS-2 Upgrade page on the Proto-Sound 2
website and search for your locomotive model or one similar to it in order to
find the sound file you will need to download. Each PS-2 Conversion File has
been optimized for its intended locomotive and takes into consideration the type
of motor, the gear ratio and most importantly, the size of the drive wheels to
govern the speed of the locomotive. Users trying to install a steam switcher
locomotive (i.e.: 0-6-0) PS-2 Conversion File into a large mainline steam engine
(ie: 4-8-4 Northern), for example, will find that the locomotive cannot run at the
same scale speed as other engines and that the chuff rate will not be properly
timed with the driver revolutions. This is because the driver sizes of the two
different locomotives are drastically different from one another.
Follow the illustrations on the following pages to learn how to search for the
locomotive you are upgrading and download the appropriate sound file. Once
The sound file has been downloaded into the engine, it will be necessary to
program the engine name using the DCS remote. Follow the DCS instructions
for renaming a locomotive.
Note: It is important to remember that only the PS-2 Conversion Files can be
used to program your PS-2 Upgrade circuit board. The sound files found on the
regular M.T.H. Website will not work in the PS-2 Upgrade circuit board.
Note: If you are upgrading a non-M.T.H. Locomotive, pick a model in the search
engine similar to the model you are upgrading. It is possible that the scale
speeds and chuff rates may be slightly off for the reasons discussed above.
Note: Charge the battery prior to loading a sound file into the upgraded
Loading The PS-2 Sound File
Into The Upgraded Engine
PS-2 Upgrade Kit Installation Guide