AMT58x-EC EtherCAT®
6501-00 Hardware counts per revolution
[Unsigned32, ro]
This object defines the physical number of distinguishable steps each
turn given by the hardware.
To set a custom singleturn resolution see object
6001-00 Counts per
6502-00 Hardware number of turns
[Unsigned32, ro]
This object defines the physical number of distinguishable turns
given by the hardware.
Total hardware resolution
6501-00 Hardware counts per
revolution *
6502-00 Hardware number of turns
To set a custom number of turns see objects
6001-00 Counts per
6002-00 Total resolution
6503-00 Errors
[Unsigned16, ro]
The corresponding bits of supported errors are set (see object
00 Supported errors
6504-00 Supported errors
[Unsigned16, ro]
Default = 0000h (No errors supported).
6505-00 Warnings
[Unsigned16, ro]
Bits of supported warnings are set (see object 6506-00 Supported
6506-00 Supported warnings
[Unsigned16, ro]
bit 12: wrong parameters loaded from flash memory at power on.
Default = 1000h
6509-00 Offset value
[Unsigned32, ro]
This object contains the Offset value. This value is the difference
between the physical position of the encoder and the position relating
6003-00 Preset value
To save new parameters execute the store parameters function (see
1010-01 Store parameters
When the power is turned off, parameters not saved are lost.
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