DK-40 USER MANUAL V2.6 (02.08.2011)
K13D01-E - 21 -
7. D
The unit offers 4 user configurable digital inputs.
The characteristics of these inputs are configured through parameters P73 to P76.
The configuration record consists on 3 parts. The programmed value is the sum of these
3 parts.
Configuration = part_3
Part_1 = input fault code:
This part determines which fault is generated from this input. The complete fault
code list is given in chapter 5.
Part_2 = input switch type (NO or NC)
NO (normally open) = 256
NC (normally closed) = 0
Part_3 = input detection delay
0.1sec delay = 0
0.5sec delay =512
2.0sec delay =1024
5.0sec delay = 1536
Example 1:
In order to adjust input 2 as EMERGENCY STOP, NC switch and 0.1sec delay:
Part_1 = 18 (refer chapter 5)
Part_2 = 0 (NC switch)
Part_3 = 0 (0.1 sec)
P74 (Input_2 configuration) = 18+0+0 =
In order to adjust input 4 as REMOTE START, NO switch, 2.0sec delay:
Part_1 = 200 (refer chapter 5)
Part_2 = 256 (NO kontak)
Part_3 = 1024 (2.0 sn)
P76 (Input_4 configuration) = 200+256+1024 =