Agilent 7890
4 Using the control module
checkbox have to be checked in order to the inlet work properly. Available
for PTV, Purged Packed and Split/Splitless inlets.
Split Ratio
The ratio of split vent flow to column flow. This line appears only if the
columns in the flow path are defined. Available for PTV and Split/Splitless
Purge Flow
Sets the flow rate from the purge vent. Available for PTV and Split/Splitless
Purge Time
Sets the time, after the beginning of the run, when you want the purge
valve to open. Available for PTV and Split/Splitless inlets.
Saver (Flow +Time)
Turns on/off and setting the flow and time for the Gas Saver. Available for
PTV and Split/Splitless inlets.
Cryo Temp
Sets the temperature setpoint for the cryogenic cooling.
Quick Cool
Turns on/off the Quick Cool feature.
When checked, GC shuts the oven down if it does not reach the setpoint
temperature after 16 minutes of continuous Cryo operation.
Turns on/off and setting the setpoint for Cryo Timeout.
Vent Flow
Sets the flow rate for venting. Available for PTV inlet.
Vent Press
Sets the pressure of gas used for venting. Available for PTV inlet.
Vent Time
Sets the time of venting. Available for PTV inlet.
Septum Purge
Turns on/off the Septum Purge function.
Septum Purge Flow
Sets the flow rate for Septum Purge.
Septum Purge Switching
Turns on/off the Septum Purge Switching function. Available for splitless
pneumatic mode.
Switch Time [min]
Sets the time of Septum Purge Switching function.
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