12044128 Rev. 00
D ATA M O D U L AG | w w w .data-m odul.com
Using this Document
In this D ocum ent, the eD M -CO M B -CR6 is also referred to as „board“.
Please read this D ocum ent before using this board.
This D ocum ent contains inform ation about the hardw are, softw are and configuration of the board.
Aw areness of the safety instructions and instructions for use in this D ocum ent w ill ensure the safe and correct use of the
In addition to the inform ation given here, you should com ply w ith the local regulations for the prevention of accidents and
generally applicable safety regulations.
Purpose of this Document
The purpose of this docum ent is the definition of the technical param eters, the electrical connections and the m echanical
dim ensions of the eD M -CO M B -CR6.
Danger Symbols & Levels
In this D ocum ent, sym bols are used to highlight im portant safety instructions and any advice relating to the board. The
instructions should be follow ed very carefully to avoid any risk of accident, personal injury or property dam age.
Danger Symbols
D angerous Voltage, danger of electric shock
H azard point
All D ATA M O D U L AG products are electrostatic sensitive
devices and are packaged accordingly. D o not open or
handle a D ATA M O D U L AG product except at an
electrostatic-free w orkstation. Additionally, do not ship or
store D ATA M O D U L AG products near strong electrostatic,
electrom agnetic, m agnetic, or radioactive fields unless the
device is contained w ithin its original m anufacturer's
packaging. B e aw are that failure to com ply w ith these
guidelines w ill void the D ATA M O D U L AG Lim ited W arranty.
Danger Levels
Indicates a hazardous situation, w hich w ill result in death
or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation, w hich could result in
death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation, w hich m ay result in m inor
or m oderate injury.
Indicates a property dam age.
General Symbols
Additional support or useful inform ation.
The crossed-out refuse bin indicates that the products
have to be properly recycled or disposed of in accordance
w ith national legislation in the respective EU countries.
If you w ish to dispose of used electrical and electronic
products outside the European U nion, please contact your
local authority so as to com ply w ith the local regulations.