12044128 Rev. 00
D ATA M O D U L AG | w w w .data-m odul.com
I2C Configuration
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
D isabled
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12,
14, 15
Select the IRQ for the device.
I2C Clock
1kH z
10kH z
50kH z
100kH z
200kH z
400kH z
625kH z
800kH z
Select I2C Speed (O S driver m ay use different speed).
N ote: D epending on I2C controller, actual speed m ay
be slightly below selected values.
Auto-B usClear
D isabled
Autom atic
If enabled, the I2C controller m onitors the SD A line for
conditions w here the slave device blocks it and tries to
recover the bus by pulsing the SCL line.
N ote: If enabled, the m ulti-m aster capability is no
longer guaranteed!
FastM ode+
D isabled
If enabled, the SCL line is sw itched from open drain to
push-pull to allow for higher speeds.
N ote: If enabled, m ulti-m aster capability and Clock
stretching functionality is no longer guaranteed!!
M ultiM aster
D isabled
If disabled, the I2C m aster w ill om it bus arbitration.
GPIO Configuration
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
D isabled
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12,
14, 15
Select the IRQ for the device.
G PIO 0 (CO M e G PI0)
Subm enu
Configure G PIO B ank A pins.
G PIO 1 (CO M e G PI1)
Subm enu
Configure G PIO B ank A pins.
G PIO 2 (CO M e G PI2)
Subm enu
Configure G PIO B ank A pins.
G PIO 3 (CO M e G PI3)
Subm enu
Configure G PIO B ank A pins.
G PIO 4 (CO M e G PO 0)
Subm enu
Configure G PIO B ank A pins.
G PIO 5 (CO M e G PO 1)
Subm enu
Configure G PIO B ank A pins.
G PIO 6 (CO M e G PO 2)
Subm enu
Configure G PIO B ank A pins.
G PIO 7 (CO M e G PO 3)
Subm enu
Configure G PIO B ank A pins.
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
U sage
Configure G PIO usage.
D irection
In (default for G PIO 0-3)
O ut (default for G PIO 5-7)
Configure G PIO direction.
Low -Level
H igh-Level
Configure G PIO initial level.