12044128 Rev. 00
D ATA M O D U L AG | w w w .data-m odul.com
BIOS Update Description
This CO M is provided w ith an Am erican M egatrends, Inc. Aptio V U EFI Firm w are. For updating the firm w are, please use Intel®
Flash Program m ing Tool (FPT) utility suite. This is a scriptable com m and line tool, utilized for factory or field B IO S updates. It is
available for M icrosoft W indow s® , Linux, and the U EFI shell.
Please contact your D ATA M O D U L support for accessing the tools.
The com plete U EFI Firm w are im age for this CO M consists of several regions:
D escriptor Region: D escribes the size and location of the firm w are regions and contains several configuration settings.
B IO S Region: Responsible for m ain hardw are initialization and feature interfaces during runtim e.
M E Region: Intel® M anagem ent Engine firm w are binary.
G B E Region: Contains G igabit-Ethernet configuration data.
For updating the com plete 16M B firm w are im age w ith the U EFI version of FPT use follow ing com m and:
fpt.efi –f new biosfile.bin
For com plete com m and reference, please check -? com m and for the help screen.
BIOS Setup Description
The U EFI Setup program allow s users to m odify the basic system configuration and save these settings to N VRAM .
To enter U EFI Setup, press D EL or ESC during PO ST.
Figure PO ST Screen
To select a B oot Popup M enu, press F7 during PO ST. At End of Post a selection m enu w ill show all available boot devices to
choose from . U EFI Setup program can be entered from B oot Popup M enu as w ell.
Figure B oot Popup M enu
Follow ing is a description of the U EFI Setup pages.