12044128 Rev. 00
D ATA M O D U L AG | w w w .data-m odul.com
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
Adm inistrator Passw ord
Set Adm inistrator Passw ord
U ser Passw ord
Set U ser Passw ord
U ser Passw ord Policy
B oot
B oot + Setup
Setup: Passw ord is necessary to enter Setup.
B oot: Passw ord is needed for starting system . If
Adm inistrator Passw ord is also active, Setup can only
be entered w ith Adm inistrator Passw ord.
B oot+Setup: Passw ord needed during PO ST, enter
setup w ith U ser Passw ord possible.
H D D Security
Subm enu
H D D Security Configuration for selected drive.
Secure B oot
Subm enu
Custom izable Secure B oot settings.
HDD Security Configuration
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
Set U ser Passw ord
Set H D D U ser Passw ord.
Secure Boot Configuration
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
Secure B oot
D isabled
Secure B oot can be enabled if:
1. System running in U ser m ode w ith enrolled Platform
Key (PK).
2. CSM function is disabled.
Secure B oot M ode
Secure B oot m ode selector:
In Custom m ode Secure B oot Variables can be
configured w ithout authentication.
Restore Factory Keys
Function Key
Force System to U ser M ode.
Install factory default Secure B oot key databases.
Reset To Setup M ode
Function Key
D elete all Secure B oot key databases from N VRAM .
Key M anagem ent
Subm enu
Enables expert users to m odify Secure B oot Policy
variables w ithout full authentication.