12044128 Rev. 00
D ATA M O D U L AG | w w w .data-m odul.com
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
System Agent (SA) Configuration
Subm enu
System Agent (SA) Param eters (G raphics, G raphics Audio,
D M I, PEG , M em ory)
PCH -IO Configuration
Subm enu
Platform Controller H ub Param eters
System Agent Configuration
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
M em ory Configuration
Subm enu
Configure M em ory Settings
G raphics Configuration
Subm enu
Config G raphics Settings
PEG Port Configuration
Subm enu
Configure System Agent PCI Express Settings.
D isabled
Enable/D isable VT-d function on System Agent.
Above 4G B M M IO B IO S assignm ent
D isabled
Enable/D isable above 4G B M em oryM appedIO B IO S
assignm ent.
This is disabled autom atically w hen Aperture Size is set to
2048M B .
Memory Configuration
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
M ax TO LU D
D ynam ic
1 G B
1.25 G B
1.5 G B
1.75 G B
2 G B
2.25 G B
2.5 G B
2.75 G B
3 G B
3.25 G B
3.5 G B
M axim um Value of TO LU D . D ynam ic assignm ent w ould
adjust TO LU D autom atically based on largest M M IO
length of installed graphic controller.
M em ory Rem ap
D isabled
Enable/D isable m em ory rem ap above 4G B .
M RC Fast B oot
D isabled
Enable/D isable M RC fast boot. Skips m em ory training if
m em ory configuration not changed.