Figure 4-5: Internal ground lug
A. Internal ground lug
Use the internal grounding terminal as the primary equipment ground. The external
terminal is only a supplemental bonding connection where local authorities permit or
require such a connection.
LME communication connectivity restrictions
The pickoff input signal connections are made at terminal strip connection TB2 for
Channel A, and TB3 for Channel B. Power supply and output signal connections are made
at terminal strip TB1. Refer to
Table 2-4
For single channel wiring use multi-conductor control and instrumentation cable
(18AWG), or equivalent.
Earth ground shield at one end only.
Insulate the shield at the other end.
For dual channel wiring use multi-conductor control and instrumentation cable
(18AWG), or equivalent.
Connect both shields to earth ground at one end of the cables and insulate the shields
at the other end.
The LME housing should be at earth ground.
Install the security seal
Security seals protect the integrity of the turbine meter metrology and prevent tampering
with the preamplifier and pickoffs. The section below details how to properly seal the
Daniel 1200 LTM after commissioning. The security seal wires are commercially available.
Prepare the turbine meter for use
User manual
September 2020
P/N 3-9008-513
Daniel Series 1200 Liquid Turbine Meter