Keeping To Do Lists
April 15, 2003
T-Mobile Sidekick Owner’s Manual
14. Keeping To Do Lists
Make sure you never forget another thing to do! Keep yourself organized with the T-Mobile To Do application.
Get started now by reading the topics in this chapter:
To Do Splash Screen
To open the To Do application, first press Jump, then scroll to highlight the To Do icon in the left-hand “ring” of
applications. You will see the To Do “splash” screen on the right side of the screen when you’ve highlighted the
To Do application icon:
The splash screen lists seven of your tasks that are either overdue or due today. If you have more tasks, a note
at the bottom of the screen tells you how many more. You can store a total of 50 tasks, including the tasks that
you’ve discarded to the Trash.
To Do Splash Screen
on page 147
Keyboard Shortcuts
on page 148
The Browse Tasks Screen
on page 148
Task Details Screen
on page 149
Create a New Task
on page 149
Edit a Task
on page 150
Mark a Task Completed
on page 150
Task Views
on page 151
Discard a Task
on page 151
Manage Your To Do Trash
on page 151