IND = 0000 Hex
PWEHIGH = 0000 Hex
PWELOW = 03E8 Hex - Data value 1000, corresponding to
100 Hz, see Conversion.
The telegram will look like this:
Illustration 7.12
4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]
is a single word, and the
parameter command for write in EEPROM is “E”. Parameter
number 4-14 is 19E in hexadecimal.
The response from the slave to the master will be:
Illustration 7.13
7.4.2 Reading a Parameter Value
Read the value in
3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time
PKE = 1155 Hex - Read parameter value in
3-41 Ramp 1
Ramp Up Time
IND = 0000 Hex
PWEHIGH = 0000 Hex
PWELOW = 0000 Hex
Illustration 7.14
If the value in
3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time
is 10 s, the
response from the slave to the master will be:
Illustration 7.15
3E8 Hex corresponds to 1000 decimal. The conversion
index for
3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time
is -2, i.e. 0.01.
3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time
is of the type
Unsigned 32
7.5 Modbus
7.5.1 Assumptions
Danfoss assumes that the installed controller supports the
interfaces in this document, and strictly observe all
requirements and limitations stipulated in the controller
and frequency converter.
7.5.2 What the User Should Already Know
The Modbus RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) is designed to
communicate with any controller that supports the
interfaces defined in this document. It is assumed that the
user has full knowledge of the capabilities and limitations
of the controller.
7.5.3 Modbus RTU Overview
Regardless of the type of physical communication
networks, the Modbus RTU Overview describes the process
a controller uses to request access to another device. This
process includes how the Modbus RTU responds to
requests from another device, and how errors are detected
and reported. It also establishes a common format for the
layout and contents of message fields.
During communications over a Modbus RTU network, the
protocol determines:
How each controller learns its device address
Recognizes a message addressed to it
Determines which actions to take
Extracts any data or other information contained
in the message
If a reply is required, the controller constructs the reply
message and sends it.
Controllers communicate using a master-slave technique in
which only one device (the master) can initiate
transactions (called queries). The other devices (slaves)
respond by supplying the requested data to the master, or
by taking the action requested in the query.
The master can address individual slaves, or can initiate a
broadcast message to all slaves. Slaves return a message
(called a response) to queries that are addressed to them
individually. No responses are returned to broadcast
queries from the master. The Modbus RTU protocol
establishes the format for the master’s query by placing
into it the device (or broadcast) address, a function code
defining the requested action, any data to be sent, and an
error-checking field. The slave’s response message is also
constructed using Modbus protocol. It contains fields
confirming the action taken, any data to be returned, and
an error-checking field. If an error occurs in receipt of the
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