Indicates default parameter. Depending upon the application, the drive may be delivered with other parameters selected.
This parameter allows a choice of the data value to be shown in large
digits on line two of the display when power is first applied to the drive.
In Display Mode I, II, and III, the + and - keys allow the display on this
line to be changed when the drive is in operation.
Description of choice:
No readout can only be selected in parameters 008 through 010, Small
Display Readout, but not in parameter 007, Large Display Readout.
Resulting reference [%] gives the total of all references as a
percentage of parameter 205, Maximum Reference.
Reference [unit] gives the total of all references. This is displayed in
Hz in open loop. In closed loop, the reference unit is selected in
parameter 415, Process Units.
Frequency [Hz] gives the output frequency of the drive.
% of maximum output frequency [%] is the output frequency as a
percentage of parameter 202, Output Frequency High Limit.
Motor current [A] is the average phase current of the motor.
Power [kW] is the actual power, in kW, delivered to the motor.
Power [HP] is the actual power, in HP, delivered to the motor.
Output energy [kWh] is the energy delivered by the motor since the
latest reset was made using parameter 618, Reset of kWh Counter.
Hours run [Hours] is the number of hours that the motor has run
since the latest reset was made using parameter 619, Reset of Hours
Run Counter.
User Defined readout [-] is a user defined value, calculated on the
basis of the present output frequency, as well as the scaling in
parameter 005, Maximum Value of User-Defined Readout, and the
unit in parameter 006, Unit for User-Defined Readout.
Setpoint 1 [unit] is the setpoint value programmed in parameter 418,
Setpoint 1. The unit is selected in parameter 415, Process Units.
Setpoint 2 [unit] is the setpoint value programmed in parameter 419,
Setpoint 2. The unit is selected in parameter 415, Process Units.
Feedback 1 [unit] is the value of the feedback signal applied to
Terminal 53. The unit is selected in parameter 415, Process Units.
Feedback 2 [unit] is the value of the feedback signal applied to
Terminal 54. The unit is selected in parameter 415, Process Units.
Feedback [unit] is the total feedback signal using the unit scaling
selected in parameter 413, Minimum Feedback; parameter 414
Maximum Feedback; parameter 415, Process Units; and parameter
417, 2 Feedback Calc.
Motor voltage [V] is the voltage supplied to the motor.
DC link voltage [V] is the drive DC bus voltage.
Thermal load, motor [%] is the calculated thermal load of the motor.
100% is the cutout limit. See also parameter 117, Motor Thermal
Thermal load, VLT [%] is the calculated thermal load of the drive.
100% is the trip point.
Digital input [Binary code] is the signal status from the 8 digital
inputs (16, 17, 18, 19, 27, 29, 32 and 33). Terminal 16 corresponds to
the bit at the far left. ‘0’ = no signal, ‘1’ = connected signal.
Analog input 53 [V] is the voltage applied to terminal 53.
Analog input 54 [V] is the voltage applied to terminal 54.
Analog input 60 [mA] is the current applied to terminal 60.
Pulse reference [Hz] is the pulse frequency in Hz applied to terminal
17 or terminal 29.
External reference [%] is the sum of the external references as a
percentage of parameter 205, Maximum Reference.
Heat sink temp. [°C] is the present heat sink temperature of the drive.
The trip point is 90 ± 5°C for NEMA 1 units and 80 ± 5°C for NEMA 12
Free Programming Array is reserved for future use. It is only
available in parameter 007, Large Display Readout.
Small Display Readout 1.1
See parameter 007, Large Display Readout
Reference, %
This parameter selects the meter to be displayed on the left display on
line 1.
Showing three different meters on line 1 is recommended when setting
up the PID. This allows tracking how the process reacts to a change of
To select the meter to display, press the Display Mode button.
Description of choice:
There is a choice of 26 different meters. See parameter 007, Large
Display Readout.
Small Display Readout 1.2
See parameter 007, Large Display Readout
Motor current [A]