= ROM default setting. Text in ( ) = display text. Figures in [ ] are used when communicating with the bus.
Series 2000
503 Coasting (COAST)
Digital (DIGITAL)
Bus (BUS)
Logical and (AND)
Logical or (OR)
In parameters 503 to 510 you can choose to control the
VLT adjustable frequency drive via the control unit's
terminals (digitally) and or via the bus.
When using
Logical and Bus values in parameters 503-510,
the digital control terminals are either dependent on or
overruled by the bus commands.
504 Quick-Stop (Q-STOP)
Digital (DIGITAL)
Bus (BUS)
Logical and (AND)
Logical or (OR)
In parameters 503 to 510 you can choose to control the
VLT adjustable frequency drive via the control unit's
terminals (digitally) and or via the bus.
When using
Logical and Bus values in parameters 503-510,
the digital control terminals are either dependent on or
overruled by the bus commands.
505 DC Brake (DC-BRAKE)
Digital (DIGITAL)
Bus (BUS)
Logical and (AND)
Logical or (OR)
In parameters 503 to 510 you can choose to control the
VLT adjustable frequency drive via the control unit's
terminals (digitally) and or via the bus.
When using
Logical and Bus values in parameters 503-510,
the digital control terminals are either dependent on or
overruled by the bus commands.
506 Start (START)
Digital (DIGITAL)
Bus (BUS)
Logical and (AND)
Logical or (OR)
In parameters 503 to 510 you can choose to control the
VLT adjustable frequency drive via the control unit's
terminals (digitally) and or via the bus.
502 Data Read-Out (DATA READOUT) continued
[15] Warning parameter messages:
Frequency low re; parameter 210
value: 32768
Frequency high re; parameter 211
value: 16384
Current limit, re; power section
value: 8192
Key blocked
value: 2048
Motor overload
value: 1024
Inverter overload
value: 512
Outside frequency range
value: 256
Current higher than par. 213
value: 128
Data locked
value: 64
Read only
value: 32
Current limit re; control card
value: 16
value: 8
value: 4
Can only be changed in stop mode
value: 2
Parameter limit
value: 1
Usually only one warning occurs at a time, so one of the
figures in parameter 502, index 15, will show. In the event
of several simultaneous warnings, e.g. Motor overload and
Current limit, re; control card, the two values are added;
Motor overload:
Current limit re; control card: + 16
Reading in par. 502, index 15:
[16] Alarm parameter messages:
Excess temperature, re; power section
value: 16384
Ground connection
value: 4096
value: 1024
value: 512
Unspecified inverter fault
value: 236
Inverter overload
value: 128
Motor overload
value: 64
Short circuit
value: 16
VLT attempts restart
value: 8
value: 4
Trip locked
value: 1
In contrast to warnings, alarms will always be combined,
i.e. at least 2 of the alarm parameters apply, e.g.
Unspecified inveter fault will usually occur with another
alarm, e.g. Inverter overload. It will give the following
Unspecified inverter fault:
Inverter overload:
+ 128
Reading in par. 502, index 18:
In case of Short circuit Ground connection and Excess
temperature, re; power section, Trip locked will also occur.
This will give a typical reading:
Groung connection:
Unspecified inverter fault:
Trip locked
+ 1
Reading in par. 502, index 18:
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