Service Monitor User Manual
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
ECD-00007M Rev. 1
For each parameter, check the checkbox next to the
parameter to plot the parameter. Uncheck the checkbox to
stop plotting the parameter. To clear the graphs, click on the
“Clear Graphs” button.
To the right of the graphs, the compressor event log is
displayed. However, the only events shown are those that
occur after the “Trending & Data Acquisition” window is
opened. To clear the event log, click on the “Clear Event
Log” button.
Samples of the trends may also be saved to a log file. Select
the time interval (from 10-1800 seconds) at which to
capture the values. Click on the “Save” button to create the
log file. The log file is saved in .csv format and may be
viewed using a spreadsheet editor such as Microsoft®
Excel. After creating the log file, the “Save” button
becomes a “Stop” button. Click on the “Stop” button
anytime to stop recording the trends to the log file. The
trending log file records the date and time when the
parameters are logged, and it records all parameters
regardless if they are selected to be plotted or not. See
Figure 42 for a sample trending log file.
6.13 Compressor Map
The “Compressor Map” allows the user to view the
operating envelope of the compressor, and to estimate its
capacity and performance.
To view the “Compressor Map” window, select
“Performance Map” from the menu bar, or
click on the “Compressor Envelope” icon located below the
menu bar.
Figure 41 Trending (Chart 2)
Figure 42 Trending Log