Monitor Program Data and Controls
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
ECD-00007M Rev. 1
6.9.1 Compressor Controller Settings
Select the “CC_Control” tab to view the following:
• Monitor program measurement unit selected
• Compressor Control Mode
• Chiller Control Parameters
• Compressor Startup Parameters
The compressor controller parameters are described in
Table 15.
Figure 30 EEPROM Settings - Compressor Controller Settings
Table 15 EEPROM Settings - Compressor Controller Parameters
Control Mode
Displays the source of demand for the compressor: Calibration,
Manual Control, Analog Input, Modbus Network, or Chiller Control.
Refer to 6.3.1 "Compressor Control Modes" on page 26 for further
Display Units
Displays the measurement unit used. The options are:
• Metric Units - kPa, ºC, ºK
• Imperial Units - Psi, ºF, ºR
Refer to 6.3.1 "Compressor Control Modes" for details on how to
change the measurement unit.
Chiller Control Parameters:
Refer to 6.7 "Chiller Control" on page 36 for further details.