Hardware Connections
Lyra Digital Mixer from D&R Phone +31 294 418014, email:
Page 28
9.3.7 Cobranet
CobraNet operates on a switched Ethernet network or on a dedicated Ethernet repeater network (the last is
not recommended). CobraNet provides the possibility to send and receive real-time digital audio data over
an Ethernet network.
The CobraNet interface has provisions for carrying and utilizing control and monitoring data such as Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP) through the same network connection as the audio. This makes it
compatible to different manufactures so they can also hook up and control information of the Lyra
Cobranet side.
CobraNet is Ethernet based, in most cases, data communications and CobraNet applications can coexist
on the same physical network (depends on the required audio bandwidth).
The Cobranet module is optional. When the module is present then the Lyra will auto-detect it.
Automatically the webpage will be updated with the proper menus for Cobranet.
Figure 20: Cobranet Option at rear side