Spyder3 SG-34 GigE Vision Color Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Appendix C: EMC Declaration
Teled yne Dalsa's SG-34 cam eras m eet the requ irem ents ou tlined below w hich satisfy the EMC
requ irem ents for CE m arking, the FCC Part 15 Class A requ irem ents, and the Ind u stry Canad a
requ irem ents.
Model SG-34-04K80
The CE Mark Evalu ation of the SG-34 Cam era, w hich is m anu factu red by Teled yne Dalsa Inc., m eets
the follow ing requ irem ents:
EN 55022 , EN 55011 , and FCC Part 15 Class A Em issions Requ irem ents
EN 61326-1 and EN 55024 Im m u nity to Distu rbances
Models SG-34-02k 40 and 80
The CE Mark, FCC Part 15, and Ind u stry Canad a ICES-003 Evalu ation of the SG-34 Cam era m eets the
follow ing requ irem ents:
EN 55022 Class A, and EN 61326 Em issions Requ irem ents
EN 55024, and EN 61326 Im m u nity to Distu rbances
This equ ip m ent has been tested and fou nd to com p ly w ith the lim its for a Class A d igital d evice,
p u rsu ant to p art 15 of the FCC Ru les. These lim its are d esigned to p rovid e reasonable p rotection against
harm fu l interference w hen the equ ip m ent is op erated in a com m ercial environm ent.
This equ ip m ent generates, u ses, and can rad iate rad io frequ ency energy and , if not installed and u sed in
accord ance w ith the instru ction m anu al, m ay cau se h arm fu l interference to rad io com m u nications.
Op eration of this equ ip m ent in a resid ential area is likely to cau se harm fu l interference in w hich case the
u ser w ill be requ ired to correct the interference at the u ser's ow n exp ense.
Changes or m od ifications n ot exp ressly ap p roved by Teled yne DALSA cou ld void the u ser's au thority to
op erate the equ ip m ent.
N ame and Signature of authorized person
H ank H elm ond
Qu ality Manager, Teled ybe DALSA Inc.