Spyder3 SG-34 GigE Vision Color Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Step 3. Establish Communication with the
Power on the camera
Turn on the camera’s p ower supply. You may have to wait up to 60 second s w hile the camera w arms up
and p rep ares itself for op eration.
Connect to the camera
1. Start a new Sap era Cam Exp ert ap p lication (or equ ivalent GigE Vision com p liant interface) by d ou ble -
clicking the d esktop icon created d u ring the softw are installation.
2. Cam Exp ert w ill search for installed Sap era d evices. In the Devices list area on the left sid e, the
connected Sp yd er cam era w ill be show n.
3. Select the Sp yd er cam era d evice by clicking on the cam era u ser -d efined nam e. By d efau lt the cam era is
id entified by its serial nu m ber.
Check LED Status
If the cam era is op erating correctly at this p oint, the d iagnostic LED w ill flash for 10 second s and then
tu rn solid green.
Software Interface
All the cam era featu res can be controlled throu gh the Cam Exp ert interface. For exam p le, u nd er the
Sensor Control m enu in the cam era w ind ow you can control the fram e rate and exp osu re tim es.