Spyder3 SG-34 GigE Vision Color Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Color Correction Matrix
The color m atrix ad d s color sp ace conversion fu nctionality to the cam era, allow ing you to im p rove the
color resp onse. A color sp ace is a w ay to m anage the d isp lay of im age color u sing a three -d im ensional
coord inate system . Different color sp aces are best for d ifferent d evices, su ch as RGB (red -green-blu e) for
CRT m onitors or YCbCr (lu m inance-chrom inance) for d igital television.
The color correction m atrix p rovid es a flexible and efficient m eans to convert im age d ata from on e color
sp ace to another, u sing u ser -entered m u ltip liers. This p rocess is su itable for u se in a w id e variety of
im age p rocessing and d isp lay ap p lications. The p rim ary p u rp ose of the color correction is to m ake color
d isp lay better on the ou tp u t d evice (i.e CRT, LCD, Plasm a, etc.).
In ord er to get the d ecim al equ ivalent m u ltip lication, every nu m ber in the table has to be d ivid ed by 4096 .
The table shou ld be read as follow s:
RED = 4096(/4096)*
+ 0*
+ 0*
+ Offset
GREEN = 0*
+ 4096(/4096)*
+ 0*
+ Offset
BLUE = 0*
+ 0*
+ 4096(/4096)*
+ Offset
The d efau lt valu es in the color correction m atrix are:
Color Correction: O r g b
r 0 4096 0 0
g 0 0 4096 0
b 0 0 0 4096