Screen saver time command
This command is a short cut for setting the screen saver time, that can be
set from the on-screen display. To set the screen saver interval time, press
and release the
Control Key, type “
”, enter the interval time, in sec-
onds (0–999), and press
<Enter>. To disable the screen saver feature,
press and release the
Control Key, type “
”, enter “
” as the interval
time, and press
. Remember to use the upper numeric keys,
the numeric keypad to the right. Follow with the Keep command to save the
new setting in the unit’s non-volatile memory. To restore normal video,
press any key or move the mouse. If not on an on-screen menu the com-
puter label appears, as if you had just switched to a new computer.
ID command
You can get the same information from this command by popping-up the
CTRL-F12 configuration menu. It is shown on the top line. This command is
included historically.
This command is used to identify the revision level of UltraView Pro firm-
ware currently installed. Before entering this command, your currently se-
lected computer should be at a command prompt, word processor, or
editor, so that when the unit sends the ROM revision level that the result will
be displayed. To issue the command, press and release the
Key, then type “
”. UltraView Pro will send back its current firmware revision
level, in the format UP
majorlevel minorlevel
and an optional third digit.
Mode command
You can program the same information from this command by popping-up
the CTRL-F12 configuration menu and going to the configure computers
display. It is most useful to program a box to all Sun or all Apple computers
without having to do it repetitively for each port.
Note there are three classes of mode command, for the CPU, for the key-
board, and for the mouse. Don't confuse the setting for a CPU's key-
board/mouse setting with the mouse itself. To change a CPU's
keyboard/mouse setting you must first switch to that CPU. Changing the
keyboard or mouse itself, you can be switched to any CPU.
Settings that apply to Apple and Sun are ignored on PC-only units. The
mode command is inactive if a configuration password has been set.
To enter the mode command, press and release the left control key, then
the M key, then the mode value as shown below, and then the enter key.
Don't use the numeric keypad for numeric keys or the enter key. To save
the setting in non-volatile memory, use the keep command by pressing and
releasing the left control key and then the K key.