Other User : When they unlock the door, the door will stay unlocked
for 5 more seconds.
Unlock Attempts
The number of times a guest user can unlock the door.
b. Click Add.
You can click Add More to add more users.
Add users through importing the template.
a. Click Import > Download Template to download the user template.
b. Enter user information in the template, and then save it.
c. Click Import, and upload the template to the Platform.
The users are added to the Platform automatically.
Use Quick Add to easily add users.
a. Click Quick Add.
b. Enter the start number of the user ID, and the quantity.
The platform will generate a sequence of numbers starting from the defined start
number. For example, if the start number is 999, and the quantity is 5, the system
will generate a sequence of numbers from 999 to 1003.
Quick Start Guide