Figure 3-2
WTP Name
Name of access point device on DH-PFM888S-AC, to be filled in according to needs.
Info about device location on DH-PFM888S-AC, to be filled in according to needs.
Add IP
It consists of manual designation and automatic mode. Access point device IP and IP
of DH-PFM888S-AC LAN interface shall be in the same network segment.
In case of manual designation, fill in IP address of DH-PFM888S-AC LAN
interface manually; default address is
In case of automatic mode, search DH-PFM888S-AC address automatically and
go online. After AC function is enabled, click Apply & Restart. Configuration of this
function will take effect and the access point device will restart.
Table 3-1
Connect access point device with one LAN interface of DH-PFM888S-AC, so the
Step 4
access point device will go online at DH-PFM888S-AC.
3.1.2 Client Device Goes Online
To join DH-PFM888S-AC, client devices shall wirelessly associate with access point device that
has already joined DH-PFM888S-AC.
Open IP address page of the client device to modify its IP address. For example,
Step 1
modify it to
Open wireless setting page of the client device, choose the access point whose SSID is
Step 2
DaHua; default encryption is WPA2-PSK (secret key is 1234567890abc).