Go Online
L2 Goes Online
Access points can directly connect LAN interface of DH-PFM888S-AC to go online. To join
DH-PFM888S-AC, clients shall associate with access point device that has already joined
3.1.1 Access Point Device Goes Online
Open IP address page of the access point device to modify its IP address. For example,
Step 1
modify it to
Set the following parameters in wireless setting page of access point device.
Step 2
SSID is DaHua, channel is automatic, and default encryption is WPA2-PSK (secret key
is 1234567890abc). After the access point device joins DH-PFM888S-AC, these
parameters can be modified on DH-PFM888S-AC pages.
Figure 3-1
At AC management page of AP wireless device, enable AC control function.
Step 3