Nuclias Connect Software User Manual
Nuclias Connect Configuration
Page 63
Single-Sign-On (SSO)
tab allows you to use a Nuclias Account to access Nuclias Cloud and the Nuclias Connect portal.
If you do not already have a Nuclias account, you can click on
Create acount
where a browser window will open to a link where
you can create one.
There are three steps in the registration process.
Step 1: Selecting server region and country.
The account is created on the servers within the selected region and the selected country. Your account data will be stored in
the reginoal server based on your selected region and country.
Step 2: Create organization and site.
Once the region and country have been entered, you will see the the user, organization, and site page. Enter the required
information and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy agreement to enable the account creation button.
Create Account
to continue.