SIP Operation Manual V2.6
Advanced Options
Web UI Login ID and Password: Enter login ID and password when you log onto the Web.
Web UI auto log out: If a user does not act within the effective time range when logging into a web
page, the user will be disconnected from the web page to allow others to login.
Dial Wait Timeout: Use it to set the waiting time for the user’s first key pressing when dialing a
number. The user will hear a busy tone if he/she does not press the first key within the set time
Inter Digits Timeout: Set the waiting time between each key pressing. The inputted numbers will be
dialed after the timeout.
Minimum DTMF ON Length (Dial on)/ Minimum DTMF OFF Length (Dial off - between tones):
Used to set dial tone when a call is being diverted to another extension.
DTMF Detection Sensitivity: Used to adjust the sensitivity of the telephone keys.
Enable Out-of-Band DTMF: To send DTMF keys (0~9, *, #,) follow the RFC2833 rules or via SIP
Payload Type
Payload type of RFC2833.
Uses Second CPT for VoIP Call: This function is usually applied when the user selects VoIP as the
primary path for outgoing calls and PSTN as the backup. By enabling this function, the gateway
will generate a different set of tones to inform the user that VoIP is in service. Should VoIP fails
and fallback to PSTN, the user will hear PSTN tones instead of the second set CPT. (for CPT
related settings, please refer to Trunk Management -> CPT Settings)