as font, size, style, alignment, and color.
You can also add a shadow. To do this, check the Shadow box. Click and drag within the
preview to position the shadow behind the text. Use the sliders to adjust the shadow blur and
Choose a text effect from the pull-down. These effects allow various types of motion, such as
scrolling or rotating text.
You can also control the exact display time for the text. In the Player, use the Starting and Ending
marks to set when the text will appear and disappear.
In addition to being able to add audio files to the Storyboard, you can also record audio directly
within the program. To record audio:
Click the Audio Settings button and verify the audio configuration (in general, higher
settings will yield higher audio quality but larger file sizes).
Click the red Record button.
Set the file name and save location for the recorded file. If you want, you can have the file
automatically added to an album for easy access in another project.
Click the Start button and begin your narration. Press the Stop button to stop recording.
Click the Add button to add the recorded audio to the Storyboard.