3.1 What to Expect
supports audio streaming from any source (provided D-boX encoding is available for the viewed content), including DVD/blu-ray players,
netflix, ChromeCast, Youtube, apple tV, etc.
supports connection to multiple D-boX enabled motion chairs.
automatically updates firmware and its motion codes via the Internet.
for audio synchronization and motion playback, the HeMC software will:
Identify a movie for the first time within 25 to 29 seconds
Identify the last 10 movies played within 5 seconds
Resynchronize after a trick play operation (forward, rewind, play/pause) within 5 seconds
3. HeMC InteRnal fUnCtIonalItIes
3.4 When Installing in a Rack
the HeMC is not rack mountable, therefore it sits on a shelf.
allow 2U for the HeMC when using the antennas (Wi-fi connection).
3.2 English D-BOX Motion Codes and Other Languages
the HeMC stores english Motion Codes only. However, it includes a parameter called “Recognition tolerance” that allows the unit to
recognize foreign language movies. Increasing this value will allow the HeMC additional time to detect its position in the movie and allow a
better audio recognition for foreign languages. the HeMC will sync accordingly based on the language detected.
3.3 Audio Signal Requirement
You need a stereo Downmix that carries all channels of the playing soundtracks. the HeMC is very efficient even if the audio
stream isn’t good; it will still work, but its performance will be affected. to test if your audio downmix feed going into the HeMC
is good, simply replace the HeMC with a headphone/headset, using a female-to-female audio jack 1/8” coupler (3.5 mm). If
you don’t hear a good clear sound, you’ll know that the audio stream is not well converted. If this is the case, please contact
[email protected].