CY8CKIT-029 PSoC® LCD Segment Drive Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-55415 Rev. *K
System Block Diagram
The PSoC LCD Segment Drive EBK consists of only three blocks.
LCD glass (Golden View Display LCD, GV13956A-TPP)
40-pin (20x2) connector (Sullins Connector Solutions, S2111E-20-ND)
Figure 4-1. System Block Diagram
This board includes a custom LCD glass with maximum 128 segments. The glass has 24 pins (8
common and 16 segments lines) that are routed to the 20 × 2 pin connector and connected to the
configured I/O pins of PSoC.
I2C EEPROM is a ‘No Load’ component on the board. It is used to store information about the EBK
board number, so PSoC can recognize the board. ST M24C02-W is the 2-Kbit EEPROM with
operating voltage in the range 2.5 V to 5.5 V.
40-pin (20 × 2) connector helps to connect the configured PSoC I/O pins to the LCD glass pins.
From the 40 pins available, only 24 are used by the kit. All unused pins are left floating.
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