CY8CKIT-029 PSoC® LCD Segment Drive Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-55415 Rev. *K
Code Examples
Hardware Connections for CY8CKIT-030/CY8CKIT-050LP DVK
1. Connect the LCD segment drive board to port D of the DVK.
2. Ensure that Character LCD is removed from LCD port as the Port 2 pins are used for Segment
lines on Port D
3. After programming the DVK, power the board by connecting the USB cable on USB
communications connector J2 or by connecting an external power supply or by 12 V battery.
4. CY8CKIT-030 and CY8CKIT-050LP do not require any more hardware connections as the SW2
is hard wired to P6[1] of PSoC.
Verifying the Output
On power up, the LCD segment displays HH.MM.SS as 00.00.00 on the 14-segment display of the
Figure 5-14. LCD Display
The mechanical switch SW1 on the CY8CKIT-001 or SW2 on CY8CKIT-030/CY8CKIT-050LP is
used to start, stop, and reset the stopwatch. The switch sequence is shown
Figure 5-15
Figure 5-15. Switch SW1 Starts RTC
Pressing SW1 on CY8CKIT-001 or SW2 on CY8CKIT-030/CY8CKIT-050LP the first time starts the
stopwatch and the values HH.MM.SS from the RTC are displayed on the LCD. The stopwatch
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