Mar 2017
Page 75
© Penny & Giles Aerospace Ltd. No part of this work may be reproduced or distributed by any
means without prior permission in writing from the copyright owner.
202-XXX-090- with CCU Type D51616-XXXX and CAM Type D51623-XXXX
Installation and Operating Manual with Illustrated Parts
Commercial in Confidence
10.1.1 General
This Illustrated Parts List is compiled to ATA 100
Specification. A description and explanation of how to use the
parts list is given in this sub-section. The suppliers of
proprietary parts and their associated vendor codes are also
given in this sub-section.
10.1.2 Equipment Designator Index (when applicable)
The Equipment Designator Index is provided when
designation codes are assigned to electrical-electronic
components. It gives, in alpha-numerical sequence,
designation codes and the figure and item number where the
part can be found in the Detailed Parts List.
10.1.3 Numerical Index (when applicable)
The Numerical Index contains all the part numbers included
in the Detailed Parts List, together with the total quantity
required for each figure and item listing. A column has also
been provided for the insertion of airline stock numbers. Part
numbers are arranged in an alphanumeric sequence with an
order of precedence as follows:
Letters A through Z; Numerals a through 9. The alpha "O" is
considered as numeral zero and the alpha "I" is considered
as numeral one.
10.1.4 Detailed Parts List
The Detailed Parts List provides a systematic spares
breakdown of the unit presented using illustrated portrayals
of the detail parts and related tabulated listings. The Detailed
Parts List consists of the following columns:
Fig & Item No - Column 1
The figure and item number for each part is given in this
column. Alpha variants (except letters I and O) are assigned
to existing item numbers to show modifications,
amendments, optional part numbers, etc. When applicable,
the appropriate Service Bulletin, modification or amendment
number will be given in Nomenclature (column 4).