Subnet mask………………………………..
Information for DHCP server setting:
Range1 (First IP to last IP address).…. to
Max lease time (infinite)..……..………….86400 seconds
Information for DHCP client setting:
Lease time…………………………………….900 seconds
Retry (retry time)…………………………... 2000 seconds
Reboot (reboot time)…………………………500 seconds
Backoff-cutoff (backoff-cutoff time)…………240 seconds
Timeout (timeout time)………………………300 seconds
Information for IPoA setting:
Function (Protocol in use)……………………………IPoA
VPI/VCI (Connected VC channel)……………………8/32
CLASS (define QoS on the ATM network)……………ubr
PCR (Peak Cell Rate)….……………0 (cells per second)
Wan IP (WAN IP address)……….…………..
GatewayIP (Gateway IP address)………..
RIP (routing information protocol)………………………..0
(0: Static routing method. 1, 2, 1&2: dynamic routing
Information for PPPoA setting:
Function (Protocol in use)…………………………PPPoA
VPI/VCI (Connected VC channel)……………………2/32
CLASS (define QoS on the ATM network)……………ubr
PCR (Peak Cell Rate)….……………0 (cells per second)