Crystal Vision
TANDEM HD-20 User Manual R1.4
TANDEM HD-20 automatically inserts EDH information on its SDI output. HANC blanking
is also implemented either automatically or by selection.
TANDEM HD-20 block diagram
Functions include audio shuffling, video delay, gain compensation and audio replace.
The are two positions available on the TANDEM HD-20 for fitting optional sub-PCBs. The
rear position 1 is associated with inputs 9-12 and outputs 1-4. The front position 2 with inputs
13-16 and outputs 5-8.
An 18-Volt regulator option card is also required when using analogue input or output cards.
The available option cards are:
HD-DIP2 – 2 x AES/EBU/Dolby E inputs for synchronous 48kHz audio, 75
Ohm, 110 Ohm, HiZ
HD-DIP2-RS – 2 x AES/EBU inputs with re-sampler for asynchronous audio
(30 to 108kHz), 75 Ohm, 110 Ohm, HiZ
HD-DOP2-110 – 2 x AES/EBU/Dolby E outputs, 110 Ohm balanced
HD-DOP2-75 – 2 x AES/EBU/Dolby E outputs, 75 Ohm unbalanced
HD-AIP2 – Analogue dual stereo audio input
HD-AOP2 – Analogue dual stereo audio output