Crystal Vision
TANDEM HD-20 User Manual R1.4
Audio routing and Delay
TANDEM HD-20 Statesman Audio routing and Delay menu
16x8 routing matrix
At the heart of TANDEM HD-20 is the 16 input, 8 output routing matrix. This will allow any
of the sixteen possible inputs, eight embedded channels and up to eight analogue or digital
audio inputs to be routed to any of the eight outputs for embedding or to be outputted via
output sub-PCBs. The final configuration will depend on the number and type of sub-PCBs
An output may also be muted by ticking the appropriate tick box.
Note: Front and Rear describes the position of the sub-PCB when fitted to the TANDEM HD-
20. Front nearest the board edge controls and extraction handle. Rear nearest the board
Routing Selection
An input to output routing selection is applied by clicking on the crosspoint squares in the
matrix. Any selections made will turn dark red. Invalid selections will be rejected and returned
to the last valid selection. Once a routing selection is finished it will require the Salvo button
to be pressed, until this point no changes to the original routing will have been made. Valid
selections will turn bright red and new source-destination assignments will be loaded into the
routing table.
Note: If an output sub-PCB is fitted to the front position its output will always follow
embedder C routing. Similarly a rear fitted output sub-PCB will always follow embedder D