Crystal Vision
TANDEM-200 User Manual R1.7
1 Introduction
The TANDEM-200 (Twin ANalogue or Digital EMbedder/de-embedder) can be
configured with two piggyback option cards to provide any a number of possible
functions at once, de–embed digital audio from SDI, embed external analogue or digital
audio into SDI and output analogue or digital external audio.
In addition to multi-mode dual embedding and de-embedding TANDEM-200
incorporates a number of powerful features. For example, a built-in audio delay is
provided to compensate for video processing, analogue monitoring can be used to
preview sources and audio quality is ensured with sophisticated error masking.
Control is available from the card edge, active control panels or by serial control from
Statesman, a dedicated software application.
The main features are as follows:
dual de-embedders and dual embedders
four operational modes – Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3 and Mode4
two built-in dual multi-channel digital audio delay processors
dual HANC processors for independent data packet management
optional SDI ‘PLL’
audio source preview monitoring
AES breakout for external processing
external AES or word clock reference input for digital output modules
EDH insertion on embedder and de-embedder
control and status monitoring via board edge or frame/remote control panel or
buffered SDI and AES outputs
audio error masking and protection in de-embedders – handles untimed or
asynchronous SDI with minimum corruption
GPI control of configuration set-ups
TANDEM-200 has two duplicate SDI signal paths which may be used together or
independently. The two signal paths are referred to in this manual as side 1 and side 2.
Each side may possess a de-embedder, HANC processing and an embedder and take
either an input or an output option card to provide external audio inputs or outputs.
Operational Modes 1, 3, and 4, configure each of the two SDI signal paths with
independent resources, whilst Mode 2 combines all resources in one SDI path. Mode 4
shares option cards between sides.
Functions include, audio shuffling, video delay compensation, audio replace, and audio
bridge where audio maybe transferred from one SDI path to another. Many of these
features are only available in specific operational modes.
A new TANDEM-200 delivered from the factory will configure itself for Mode 1 and
have two independent SDI paths, each of which contains a de-embedder, an embedder, or
a de-embedder plus an embedder and independent functions for any installed option