Crystal Vision
SW808 User Manual R1.8
1 Introduction
The SW808 is an SDI and DVB-ASI compatible, 8 x 8 crosspoint routing switch.
Switch synchronisation is provided by either SDI or analogue references, allowing the
SW808 to switch in the vertical blanking interval to avoid picture disturbance. The
designated switching lines are 6 and 319 in 625 line systems and 10 and 273 in 525 line.
There is also provision to switch immediately for cases where there is no common
SW808 8 x 8 router
Individual crosspoints can be set and multiple crosspoint salvos can be created to change
a number of crosspoints at once. Up to 16 macros or custom routing table assignments
may be stored and recalled and up to 16 snapshots of the router table may be captured as
presets for later recall.
Control is available from the SW808 Controller panel, Statesman PC control Software, an
active control panel or the card edge. Names may be assigned to inputs and outputs from
Statesman and active control panels.
The main features are as follows:
SDI 8 x 8 routing switch
SDI or analogue reference
Two feeds of each output
Salvos, macros and router ‘snapshot’ presets
Names may be assigned to inputs and outputs
GPI selection of macros and presets
Control and status monitoring via dedicated SW808 Controller, Statesman,
frame/remote control panels or the card edge